About Us

About Tri-Aid
The original idea for the Tri-Aid came about during discussions between it's founders, Jon and David about how to help their patients and clients who suffer from tension type headaches. In his work in clinic, David has seen hundreds of patients who present with neck pain and stiffness that can lead to headaches behind the eyes, in the temples and forehead. They often describe how these headaches affect their quality of life, including their presence and performance at work, their ability to train in the gym or sports, their sleep quality, and their daily mood.
One of the clinical techniques that David uses in clinic to assist these people, is a trigger point release of the suboccipital area, the muscles at the base of the skull, which can often cause referral pain into the head. A common thing that both David and Jon would hear from their clients and patients, is that they wish they could have this trigger point treatment every day. Now they can, with the Tri-Aid.

Meet Jon
Jon is a strength & conditioning coach and founder and owner of ONE80 Strength and Fitness, one of Sydney's premier stand alone strength & conditioning gyms. Jon has worked with hundreds of clients, helping them gain freedom in their lives through training, nutrition and education.
In 2018, Jon founded & created Myo-Trig, a percussive massage device designed to stimulate blood flow, relieve muscle tension and speed up the recovery process for athletes and the general population. Jon had the opportunity of working closely with sports teams such as NSW Blues & the Sydney Swans during that time.

Meet Dave
David is a Sport and Exercise Chiropractor who also holds a Master's Degree in Exercise Science. He is one of the founders and owners of 4D Health and Performance, a high-performance allied health and high-performance training facility in Sydney CBD.
In his 10 years of practice, David has worked with many elite level athletes who have competed at Olympics, World Championships and professional tours around the world. His work has taken him to the Australian Open tennis and to PGA golf events.